Loren to Lori
All characters in this story are fictitious.
Any similarity to persons living or dead, is purely coincidental.
No one under the age of 21 engaged in any sexual activity. Whether implicitly or explicitly.
No animals were harmed in the writing of this story.
This is a creative fictional story from the mind of the author. It is not a reflection of the author's sexuality.
I do though, try to incorporate real life, as well as, current events. After all, aren't these stories suppose to portray real life?
The storm continued to violently rage outside our windows. It had been this way for the past 2 days. The lightening flashed and the thunder boomed. The whole house would seem to rattle and shake from the force of the thunder. At times, the wind was so strong, that the trees soaked with the rain, would slap menacingly against the roof.
Thick sheets of rain would pour down so hard, that the house across the street, at times, would disappear under a blanket of water. Suddenly, a loud boom, followed immediately by a bright flash of light and a loud crack from the lightening boomed, shaking the whole house. It felt like the windows would break from the sound. Then a small branch was flying through the air, slamming against the house.
That brought a small, frightened scream from Laura, and brought me out of my self induced trance like state, as my thoughts were concentrated on concerning my job. It brought me back from my thoughts, and made me become fully aware again of the here and now. With a nervous giggle, I briefly thought that it looks like I will be doing some heavy yard clean-up.
It is now that time of year where the seasons were beginning to change. The cold air of winter was still trying to hold on to its grip, and the warm air of spring was beginning to first present it self. But then, after each storm passes, the grass will begin to turn green and the flowers will begin to bloom. Life in the garden will begin anew.
Throughout this current display of Nature's annual turmoil, I was dealing with my own turmoil, just hoping that my marriage to Laura will also continue to bloom and continue to include the both of us. For you see inside of my head, I felt the same type of rage as the storm outside.
For the secret knowledge I held, was tearing through my tormented mind. I only hoped that, once told, I would still have a normal life with my wife. We didn't have much in the way of worldly possessions, but I did want to at least hold onto her. For she is the most important person in my life. But I was afraid to tell her. Fearing her disappointment in me.
We both come from broken homes. Her father was an abusive drunk, who could not hold down a job. Her mother, after enduring years of abuse, eventually had the courage to say enough and kicked him out. Laura was 18 at the time. Over time, her mother, once Laura's protector, had become bitter and cynical over her situation of being alone and poor. She tended to blame Laura for the littlest things and then verbally took her anger out on her daughter.
Her mother blamed Laura for her father leaving, and leaving her in a single parent household. Even though she was the one who kicked him out. Laura in turn, had learned to be just as caustic, but she also learned to turn that into more of a dominating personality. Which in turn caused herself problems during her time in and out of school.
After graduating high school, Laura could not afford to go to college. Her grades precluded any type of scholarship. She was even turned down for any student loans due to several incidents involving law enforcement during high school. So she entered the work force at the usual level of taking minimum wage jobs.
Her caustic attitude caused her to bounce around from one low paying job to another, until she started working at the little coffee stand on the local college campus. Gradually over time, she had eventually resolved her caustic attitude, and suppressed her dominant personality. But the scars from her childhood still remained, on a daily basis, since she was still living at home.
It was there that all of our paths were destined to cross. More on the other person shortly,
As for me, I spent most of my childhood a lifetime prisoner of the foster care system. My parents divorced when I was 3. My mother was a long time sex addict, who used her sleeping around to earn the money off of her habit to help feed us. My father was a laborer in the construction industry.
From what I was able to find out, my father did not want anything to do with me, after she was arrested for prostitution. He claimed that I was not his child. He filed for a divorce after her arrest. Neither one had any other family. So child services, pronounced sentence, and placed me into the system.
I was treated like I was a hot potato. I was not a new born, so I was not one of the babies that were sort after. Also, it was feared that I might have HIV, or some other type of STD. Which I was later tested for and pronounced to be healthy.
The older I got, the less I was wanted. So I went from one home to another. I was treated like I was just another cash cow. My longest time in any one home was the final 3 years I was in high school. Where I then out grew the system upon turning 18, and graduating from high school.
The two lessons that I learned the best throughout, was to keep my head down and don't talk until spoken to. Those attributes added up to me being a submissive. Which in turn would haunt me for the rest of my life.
Instead, I concentrated on school work. I found that I had an aptitude for business, finance, computers and math. Which was to totally be the one bright spot during high school. They totaled into my ability to get into college.
One of my business teachers, during my Sophomore year in high school, was a retired Wall Street trader. He took an interest in me. He taught me how to analyze a business. Showed me where and what to look for in regards to the best and worst parts within that business.
Along with what to look for in the trade papers, and how to forensically decipher a business's annual report. Also, along with how to trade, and how to analyze all the information into a trading strategy.
How he did that, was for me to set up a dummy trading account, as a class project. The initial amount of money was $5,000 dollars. I was to pick a small basket of stocks to start with. Purchase them, then buy and sell those and other stocks, as if I was an actual trader. Using all of the knowledge that he taught me.
By the time I graduated, with the help of his tutoring, my portfolio had grown to over $60,000 dollars. Not bad for a high school student. For the first time in my life, I felt a strong feeling of pride. Also, that I had a good future ahead of me. Even though I made mistakes along the way, he was still very proud of me.
Through 3 years of being in his classes and outside tutoring, not only did he teach me about the inner workings of a business, it also helped to instill in me a feeling of self worth. Something that I would carry for years to come.
All total, those lessons taught me a love of how to make money. Along with how to keep it. Those lessons would carry me throughout my life.
Laura and I met while I was attending college. I was able to attend with money from a federal grant, a few small annual scholarships that I had won due to my high grades, and a boat load of student loans. I also continued on with my part time job as well.
It was the first day of the fall semester. I was in line, when finally it was my turn to order. Then there she was working in the coffee shop on campus. A vision of beauty. All I could do was stutter my order. She filled it. I paid for it. Then I left. It was the same each day.
It took me 6 months to get the nerve up to talk to her, other than to say hi and tell her my name when I gave her my order. I stepped up to the window to place my order. "Hi there cutie. What is your name?" Laura said with a light laugh in her voice. All I did was to look down and smile when she spoke to me.
"You know my name. It is Loren." I said embarrassingly, as I gave her my order.
That was the way it went each day, until just after the start of the spring semester. When she was the one who eventually asked me out on a date. I was shocked that this beautiful woman, would ask me out on a date, but I quickly stuttered yes as I accepted the opportunity to be with her. We became inseparable after only just a few dates.
At the start of the fall semester, the following year, I had already moved into her small apartment.
My dorm rent, and my pay from the part time stocking job at the supermarket, went into the household budget. We weren't rich, but we were happy. I would wonder sometimes what she saw in me. Especially since she is so beautiful. It still is a mystery to me to this day. But I thank my lucky stars everyday that she did.
Laura would leave for work, before I went to class. She would take an insulated mug with her. I always had it waiting for me, full of black coffee. That, and a kiss, would send me off to class each morning. After studying most of the night, getting in late from work, or working on my portfolio, it was very much needed.
I asked her to marry me after graduating with my Bachelors. (She is 2 years older than me). After she said yes, she asked me what took me so long. Our wedding was in the chapel on campus. Then we stayed on for my Masters. After that, I was fortunate enough to be hired by one of the big boys as a business analyst.
As the storm increased in intensity outside, Laura and I just sat on the couch, with her cuddled under my arm, inside. Her head was nestled tightly against my neck. We had elected this stormy evening, to just sit and read, while some soft romantic music played softly in the background.
The storm had intermittently disrupted cable service anyway. Besides, the type of programs on the TV have really become very predictable and were, to be honest, just totally boring anyway.
There has to be an end to just how many reality scenarios that are truly entertaining. As well as believable. Let alone the now ever present stupid night time game shows. Also, don't get me started on the recent explosion of fire and rescue, or medical shows, or those dumb ass night time adult cartoons. (Alright, I'll get off of my soapbox.)
My mind was tormenting me as I was thinking of the scuttlebutt that had been going around the office lately. I was concerned as to when I needed to drop what has been tormenting me lately, on her. Laura sensed my fidgeting. I didn't want to break the mood. But it just needed to be said before it drove me insane.
"Baby, if you have something to say...just say it." She knows me so well. Her voice was nothing but loving. Her hand was gently rubbing my thigh.
I picked my head up slightly. I steeled my resolve to tell her my secret. "Baby..." My voice cracking some. "There has been some talk around the office...that due to the economy... there might very well be some lay-offs." I let out the breath that I didn't know that I was holding.
"Is there any indication as to when it might occur?" She did not move. She just continued to read her fashion magazines. Her voice was still soft and loving. That surprised me. She then asked me about what I thought, pointing to a picture, if that particular hairstyle would look good on her. I said it was cute.
"No. But all indications... are that it will happen... soon." I needed to be as honest as possible. Then I told her about what I was seeing in the markets. "I have, however, noticed recently that there has been a continuous slow down in overall trading volume. As well as, earnings for the majority of companies is lower." Which usually indicates a recession.
"Don't worry. We will be alright if it does happen to us." She hugged me tightly after kissing my cheek. "Well, to tell the truth, they have been asking me at work to move into the assistant managers position anyway." Between her night business classes that she has taken, and her past experience managing the coffee shop, she is more than qualified for the position.
"That's great." I kissed her forehead. "Why haven't you accepted it?" My fears dissipated.
"When you first came to the little coffee stand, I knew that at the very least I wanted to meet you. When you acted so shy, I felt that it might not happen." I heard some sadness in her voice. "Then I just decided that I was just going to do it, and ask you out. Imagine my surprise when you said yes. My heart did somersaults."
"Then when we moved in together, I watched you nearly kill yourself between school, your job and working on your portfolio. All while trying to make sure that we had enough money to live on." She turned and kissed my cheek. "It was during that time, that I completely fell in love with you." Her voice cracked with emotion from that revelation.
"Then you were hired with this company and I felt that we would be alright. But after all of this time, they have taken advantage of you and not paid you what you deserve." There was a little bit of bitterness in her voice. "So the reason that I have not told you about it... is because it would mean I would be making more than you." I could hear her concern for me.
"Also, I thought that it would put a further strain on our time together if that were to happen." She had fears of her own.
"Baby, you could be making ten times what I make, and I still would not care." I hugged her back. "It would only mean that I would love you more and be extremely proud of you." I kissed her cheek. "Besides, we will always find a way to be together."
She looked up to see the look on my face. Her eyes were beaming. "Well then, I will tell my boss tomorrow that I will take the position." I heard a very confident tone in her voice. She has been working in that women's boutique store for the past 4 years. With her knowledge of fashion and background in business, it would be a very richly deserved promotion.
Sex that night was one for the ages. We were both very tired in the morning and excited for the future. Who knows, maybe we can finally start our family. Laura said that if I was laid off, that she has some changes in mind for me. She did not elaborate.
I have been working as a business analyst for the past 5 years, since graduating with an MBA. But I had only been able to advance to an underpaid junior analyst position with this overly large corporation. I was one of the ants that were viewed from the top floors of the executive suites.
My job is to follow trends that are occurring with our competitors, and watching out for any businesses that are having difficulties. Along with the business world in general. This includes watching stock trading activities.
My deep diving analysis has always been pretty much been dead on. Which in turn makes a lot of money for this company. It comes in handy when the company goes to sell or acquire another company.
Also, since I am not a son, cousin, or Friday night clubbing and drinking, golf or fuck buddy, the chances of me moving much further than where I am now, is most highly unlikely. Like my time in the foster care system, I am a prisoner of the good old boy club. Keeping my head down and not making any noise, does not help either.
In fact, it took me 2 years until I realized what my analysis was being used for. Being buried 'deep in the bowels of my basement office', I was very seldom privy to what was going on upstairs. As it turns out, this corporation likes to take over other companies, break them up, then sell off the pieces for a profit. A la Romney.
The more we took over, the more profits made, the larger the bonuses. That in turn meant larger bonuses for my boss, who usually took all of the credit. Which usually excluded any bonuses for me.
With all of the general knowledge that I learned from my research, I would use it towards trading in the stock market. (No, it is not insider trading.) I have, as told earlier, been trading since I was in high school. Although, during that time, it was just for fun.
The basic street knowledge learned during that time, along with the technical knowledge learned from my business classes, has turned out to be invaluable. My street smarts helped put me head and shoulders above the others from the more prestigious schools.
The total value of my portfolio, since I first started trading for real, during the time that I was in college till now, has nearly reached the mid 6 figures. The reasoning behind that, is I was taught to also pay attention to stocks that others ignore, which are referred to as penny stocks.
For example. I was really lucky, in that I spotted 4 really good ones that I bought prior to any sort of trading frenzy in the tech sector. They were each priced at less than half a dollar per share.
I initially purchased a 100 shares of each. Later on, when I spotted activity in the tech sector, that would affect each of them, I used my buy option on those stocks, and purchased an additional 900 shares of each. When the feeding frenzy hit the tech sector, the price per share exploded to over $30 per share each.
It was trades like this, that allowed my portfolio to reach its current level. Also, any time that one of my stocks paid a dividend, I put that back to purchase even more shares. That saved me from using any money from my bank account.
If it came down to it, I could liquidate my entire portfolio and survive by working at a lesser position. Although, I would lose most of that money from the profits because it would be eaten up with brokerage fees and taxes. Still, Laura would not have to worry about paying the bills or buying groceries for a while.
The following morning, after Loren's revelation, Laura arrived at the store a little earlier than usual. She unlocked the door and shut the alarm off. Turned the lights on, flipped the sign to open, then did her usual walk-through.
As she walked through the store, she gazed at each display to make sure that everything was in its proper place. Absentmindedly fixing a piece of lingerie, that did not need fixing, while she strolled through the store.
After reaching the small kitchen area, she put a kettle on the hot plate for some tea. While that was coming to a boil, she unlocked the side door, leading into the vacant retail space. This was her brain child.
This was going to be their new retail store. It was more than triple the size of the current retail space. It was an old 5 and dime store. The renovation was to begin tomorrow. It should only take about 3 weeks. Just then, she heard the store owner arrive.
"Good morning, Vicki." Laura said cheerfully.
"Good morning, dear." Vicki said happily. "I take it by your cheerfulness, that Loren told you that he approves of you buying the store?"
"No." Laura said with an impish smile. "But he does approve of me becoming the new assistant manager." They both laughed. As they were waiting for the water to boil, Laura told Vicki of the possibility of Loren being laid-off. "If he does get laid-off, I am going to start his transitioning." Laura said thoughtfully. "It will be the perfect time. Then he can help us in the store."
Vicki and Laura then started to discuss what would be the best way to start Loren on his transition. What would be the best place for him to work in the store, and if or when to have him to start on hormones. Along with if any cosmetic surgery would be needed.r"
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