Spirits in the Material World Pt. 10

All persons are over the age of 18, and all characters and locations are totally fictional.

None of these parts or chapters stand alone. The narrative picks up where the previous one left off.

Saturday, continued:

Returning to the Harrisons' home, Maggie was at a bit of a loss. David had asked that they slow down the physical aspect of their relationship (Really? What guy ever asks that?), so making out was likely not going to be acceptable either. Rose and Alan were heads-down over a notepad, writing out lists of some sort. Then it occurred to her: ask David what he would like for them to do. He was in the basement doing his laundry.

Maggie quietly descended from the kitchen and stole up behind David as he was sorting his clothing in preparation for washing. She kissed the back of his neck while at the same time she wrapped her arms around him. David startled a little at the unexpected contact, then turned around in her grasp and wrapped her in his arms too. Hugging her closely, he sniffed her hair then tilted his head down and kissed her deeply. Maggie returned the affectionate gesture with a little confusion on her part, and her face showed her puzzlement.

"David," she began, breaking off from the kissing, "Isn't this contrary to what you were saying just this morning, that we should slow down the physical part?"

"No, not really, Mags, not really. My statements were focused primarily on the times when we were naked or very nearly so. Hugging, kissing, and holding hands is still all fine and wonderful," he declared. "It was when we were approaching actual intercourse that I became uncomfortable. It was all just going too fast for my comfort level. Most likely a lot of that stems from how Mom and Dad raised me. When you add in some of the human respectfulness learnings from the Boy Scouts, and you'll come pretty close to where I operate from. A lot of it just boils down to respect for each other."

Taking a bit of a leap of faith, Maggie broached the subject of David's relationship with Laura.

"You mentioned your relationship with your mother during our walk this morning. How would you say her passing on has affected you? This was weird earlier, but I swear to you she told me to tell you that she loves you. And you didn't even seem to blink when I said it."

"Mom's spirit has been hovering in and around this house since just before Thanksgiving," David began, then turned to resume his laundry sorting while continuing to speak. Maggie could not see his eyes filling with tears, although he did his very best to keep them out of his voice. "So, it did not surprise me for you to say that my mother loves me, present tense. I am reasonably confident that I have had spiritual visitations from her ever since Julie arrived with Tom and I brought home that painting of her. It was while you were alone in the living room this morning that she spoke to you, right?"

Not answering his question, Maggie plowed on.

"How can you reconcile your Christian beliefs with this manifestation of your mother's spirit?" she asked.

"As Shakespeare had Hamlet say, 'There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' In short, my Christianity does not preclude my mother's spirit from existing or even interacting with us through our dreams. That's how she's been communicating with me, at least here at home. Maybe the picture I painted gives her enough of a focus to affect things here. Maybe that's entirely why I was motivated to paint it. Maybe that painting is the whole reason for my taking up art in the first place."

"You are blowing my mind, Davey. I tend to accept things at face value, as they are presented to me. I've never been one to look for the hidden meaning in anything."

Having completed the sorting, David started a load of laundry then gathered Maggie into his arms and kissed her deeply, once more. Tugging her hand, he led her up the stairs and down the hall to the den, a room she had not been in before. It was across the entry hall from the living room, closed with pocket doors, and she gaped in amazement. A 70" plasma display with a full surround-sound setup and a sofa plus two recliner chairs gave off definite "Man Cave" vibes.

"Come on, I want you to watch a moving with me. Are you familiar with Kevin Smith's characters Jay and Silent Bob?"

Maggie shook her head, negatively, and David chuckled.

"Well, 'Dogma' is one of my very favorite Kevin Smith movies. You will be appalled at Jay's character, but if you can step back from it, he's just so over-the-top funny. Tell you what. While I get it set up, why don't you go make your bladder gladder and maybe bring us each back a can of something to drink?"

Maggie returned with two cold cans of Diet Dew, and David gave her a huge smile and an odd gesture, pointing his right index finger at her with the left hand giving a "thumbs up" sign, and one eye winking. She had never before encountered this and was struck by its oddity. "Just wait, Magpie. All will become clear."

They settled on the sofa, side by side, shoulders and thighs touching, and David started up the movie. Not long into it, George Carlin's character, Cardinal Glick, introduces the "Buddy Christ" as the symbol for Catholicism Wow! Maggie's hand flew to her mouth to keep her from spewing the drink she had just taken in and had yet to swallow. "I get it now!" she exclaimed when she could speak again. "You did that very well, David, although you closed your left eye and the Buddy Christ's right eye is the one closed." David continued to surprise Maggie with random, periodic flashes of intellect and wit, and she loved him all the more for it.

* * * * *

Upon their return to Casa Harrison, Alan and Rose had settled in the living room with a pad of paper for their adult discussion. Alan did not take charge of the conversation; rather he tried to guide and focus Rose's thinking about possible issues stemming from her job offer. Some of these had already crossed her mind when she considered applying for the bank branch manager position in Middleburg, while others had not yet been raised to her awareness. The one really big question still had to be raised: were she and Maggie going to get their own place, or would they move in with Alan?

Alan was of two minds about this question. There would undoubtedly be times ahead when he and Rose would need their own spaces. He was not yet ready to remarry Rose or anybody, despite his growing affection (ok, call it what it was: love) for Rose and Maggie and Julie. But what was to be done about Maggie having her own space until she went off to State next fall? And what was to be done about having all four offspring home during school breaks? But he REALLY liked having Rose in the same bed with him at night and in the mornings. It was Rose who arrived at the out-of-the-box idea that Alan had totally not been considering.

"What if we, you and I, together, bought a larger house and combined households?"

* * * * *

Tom and Julie checked in at the TownePlace Suites not far from the university. To her great delight, the clerk addressed them as Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, as the reservation was only in Tom's name. She was tugging on Tom's hand to hurry as they walked down the third-floor hallway from the elevators, eager to get to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison's room for the night. Tom was a little surprised at Julie's eagerness to reach their room, but he, too, was looking forward to having a bed wider than the extra-long twin beds in the dorms.

Tom fumbled with the electronic door lock, putting the card in backward the first time, then not realizing he had to insert and remove the card for the door to unlock. Finally, he got the chirp and green indicator light on the lock, and Julie pushed by him quickly, throwing the door open to thump heavily against the doorstop on the wall. She gave a happy squeal at the king-size bed and the curtains and sheers on the windows had been pulled back by the room cleaners, flooding the room with sunlight. She dropped her bag and ran to jump on the bed. Tom, not expecting this, tripped over her bag and stumbled but did not fall. Once again, child Julie showed up when he was least expecting it.

Recovering his balance, Tom pulled both bags out of the way, and the door closed with a heavy thump. As he walked to the foot of the bed where Julie was bouncing and rolling around, he noticed that all he could see out the window was the woods which the hotel backed up to. He went to close the curtains, but Julie stopped him and asked him to leave it wide open. "Who's to see anything?" she asked. "All I can see is forest and trees; nobody out there lurking, and besides, we're on the third floor. Who can see up and into our room?" He negotiated to at least pull the sheers across which still permitted the light but prevented any prying eyes. He was nowhere near the exhibitionist that Julie was turning out to be.

"Now, my darling man, come make me naked!" she insisted.

"Jules, what has gotten into you?" Tom inquired.

"Not you and not recently enough for me!" She began to unbutton her jeans, then kicked off her shoes and started to wiggle the jeans off her butt and down her legs. Her cute "Hello, Kitty" bikini panties were now showing, and Tom snorted in amusement.

"Hello, Kitty, eh?"

"Well, not yet, but get them off and it will definitely be 'Hello, Kitty' time!"

Tom yanked her jeans the rest of the way off her body and followed them quickly with her panties. The delicious aroma of female-in-heat filled the room, and Tom's nostrils flared while his cock erected almost explosively in his pants. He dove for her pussy, tongue-first, and her secretions were plentiful and seemed just a little thicker and creamier than usual. Lapping these up, Tom thought back on recent history. It was two weeks ago when she started her period when they went to Middleburg for Thanksgiving. Uh-huh. He was so very glad he had the foresight to pack the box of condoms gifted to him by his father. They were going to need them, even though Julie was religious about taking her birth control pill daily. They had agreed on the pill-and-raincoat combination. Because there was no way in heaven or hell that these two would countenance abstinence for their birth control method.

"Uh, Jules, do you think that your horniness may be stemming from your ovulation?" he asked.

"Huh. I had not considered that, but you're probably right. Wanna do something about my horniness?"

"Oh, yeah, Jules. Why don't you pull the bedspread and sheets down while I get undressed? I have every intention of seeing to your every want and need tonight."

"Promises, promises. Only tonight?" She got up, pulled down the bedspread and top sheet, and removed her shirt and bra, and lay back on the bed, her legs spread widely and invitingly.

Tom's cock was so glad when he got his pants unfastened. It was WAY too crowded in there! He quickly shed his shoes, pants, socks, and shirt and he took a step towards his girlfriend laying on the bed. Then he remembered to pull the box of condoms from his bag and set them on the nightstand after removing one of the packets.

Julie took the condom from Tom and proceeded to sheath his cock while primarily using her mouth. She had to finish by using her hands, but when she was done, she mounted him and needed only three attempts before he was balls deep inside her. She leaned forward to kiss him, then he pushed her back towards upright and latched his mouth onto her right breast. He then switched to the left one once Ms. Right had been appreciated properly. The sounds emanating from "Mr. and Mrs. Harrison's" room would have given rise to the idea that they were indeed newlyweds.

Eventually, physical fatigue overcame them, and along with that came physical hunger. So, they ordered a pizza to be delivered to the room and sat on the bed watching TV while they rebuilt their stamina. Then they were back at each other until late in the evening.

* * * * *

Alan was rather surprised at Rose's idea to combine their households into a new place. He liked to take pride in his occasionally non-conventional thinking, but this could be a huge claymore mine for their relationship. He thought it to be much like Cortez burning his ships on the Mexico coast -- no way to turn back, the only way is to move forward. He had to be upfront and honest with Rose, just not brutally so. With a sigh, he began.

"Rose, that is a surprising idea. I like it, a lot, and it worries me, a bit. Much like David and Maggie this morning, please hear me out before you say anything, ok?" Alan kissed Rose to try to ease her fears and smooth her emotions. Nobody likes to have their idea squashed, and Alan was perceptive enough to realize Rose was becoming defensive.

"Think how you would have reacted if I had immediately proposed you and Maggie moving in here with me. On the surface at first glance, it could seem like a fantastic idea. Then, as we started talking logistics, some problems could arise. Make no mistake about this, Rosalie: I love you. Your health, safety, and well-being are second only to my own and those of my sons.

"So, I would offer a counter-proposal. Let's find an apartment or a small house for you and Maggie on a six-month lease, and you and I will keep very close company and we will start looking for a combined space to share when your lease is up. If things continue to proceed as well for us as they have this past week, ... God, has it only been a week? If things continue to go as well as they have, I will have no problem moving in with you. I won't promise it yet, but I could envision proposing to you before those six months are up." That put a zing in Rose's heart. She had endured the absence of Ron Lawson for so long that she was ready to jump on Alan. She crawled up into his lap, took his face in her hands, and silenced the rest of his words by filling his mouth with her tongue. After a couple of minutes of this, Alan's pants were becoming rather uncomfortable. Rose noticed this, sitting on his lap as she was, and she giggled.

"Alan, you are correct, yet again. Let's table this because I need you to take me to your bed and fuck me good." Rose wiggled her ass on Alan's erection, and quickly his little head was doing almost all of his thinking. "Come on, Alan. I want you in my ass! Your toy was fun back there, but I want your real thing, now!" Rose wiggled her ass again, stood up while smiling broadly, took his hand, and pulled him to his feet. She then led him to the stairs and started up.

Alan paused then strode to the pocket door to the media room, then quietly opened the door. Maggie and David were seated on the sofa and watching a movie, so he shut the door equally silently and swiftly chased Rose to his bedroom. Alan took the stairs two at a time and was barely puffing at all when he reached the landing. Stepping into his room, he closed the door, and there on the far side of the bed was his girlfriend, carefully disrobing out of her power suit and being sure to run her hands over her bra-encased tits, her pantied hips and ass, and down her stocking-clad legs.

Sometimes a strong person just needs to relax and let go of control to someone else. This was the case with Rose that day. She had had to be strong and in charge for so very long, and she wanted, no, she needed, to have a respite from that burden. So, she stripped off her suit and blouse and hung them up carefully. Then she freed her breasts from their supporting constraints and rubbed her nipples to excited firmness. Finally, she peeled her soaking panties out of her juicy twat and ass and down her legs, piling them atop her brassiere on the floor.

"Alan, should I leave my stockings on, or take them off?" she asked, having a very good idea what his response would be.

"Oh, no, dearest Rose, please leave them on. You know how your legs in nylon stockings please me so." By this time, Alan had undressed down to his boxers. He tugged the underwear down, allowing them to puddle around his ankles and permitting his nicely erect cock to bob free of confinement. Rose's eyes brightened and her face exploded with joy at that sight.

"Come on, Alan. Get that spear inside its protective sheath. I want you in me, now!" She grabbed the condom which Alan had picked up from the nightstand and she began removing it from its packaging. This freed up Alan to get the special anal lube. Rose continued her monologue.

"I will be SO glad to get our clean test results back... not that this," she said, waving the condom, "is necessarily a bad thing, but it delays and impedes our playing somewhat. There!" as she unrolled the penile protective prophylactic properly upon his perfect prick. Well, it was perfect for her.

Alan decided to lube up his condom-clad cock with some of Rose's copious cunt cream, so he directed her onto her knees, ostensibly to grease up her back door with the desensitizing lube. He dribbled the lubricant high onto her crevice and assisted gravity with the coating of her sphincter. While rubbing the lubricant with his left thumb, he guided his cock into her soaked pussy to get that natural lubricant applied. Her head jerked up as he slid into and out of her pussy a few times. He pressed his thumb inside her anus and rotated his hand back and forth to help distribute the lube, then he added more lube directly into her slightly gaping rear hole, once he had removed his thumb.

"Do you want to take this on your knees this time?" Alan asked.

"Oh, Alan, however, you want your slut to take it! Start slowly, please, but this is your ass and your body to play with however you want," she said, giving him the control.

"As you wish," he replied, channeling his inner Westley. He guided his cock head to her starfish and began to push, slowly. There was a very slight resistance, but the lubrication was doing its job and he popped through the restrictive muscle. Rose just grunted a little and tried to relax while wiggling her rear. The lube was really helping and soon Alan was sliding in and out of her ass. He took a grip of her hair with a half-twist of his right hand and gently tugged her head back as she tried to tip her chin to her chest.

"Nope. Nuh-uh. You're MY slut. You gave me your body to be my plaything. I told you last night that I don't share my toys well. You said this was my ass to have, so I'm having it." Alan was gentle in his control yet quite firm with his words. Rose was out of her mind with joy. There was no doubt in her mind that Alan was quite firmly in control of her and the situation. It was mentally freeing for her, and it showed the incredible amount of trust she had in him, and Alan realized this.

Anticipating a possible issue, Alan poured a half-dozen additional drops of lubricant on and around her asshole, and he slid in and out just a little more easily. He let go of her hair, and she dropped her head and reached down her front with one hand to play with her clit. That extra bit of sensation pushed her over the cliff's edge she had been riding since shortly after Alan had entered her. It wasn't a vaginal orgasm, nor was it an anal orgasm. It was a whole-body orgasm and once again, she passed out as the pleasure totally overloaded her senses.

Alan eased his cock from Rose's ass after she had collapsed on the bed. The condom helped to reduce the sensations on his cock, plus the back passage didn't offer much for him beyond the gripping of the sphincter muscle. No, in this instance, the anal sex was mostly for her pleasure. He had to admit to himself that he liked the control thing. And then the guilt came crashing down on him.

* * * * *

David and Maggie finished watching 'Dogma'. By the end of the movie, they were snuggled up together. The soft kisses, the rubbing of noses ("Eskimo kisses" as Laura had taught David), and breathing in the essence of the other person -- these were the physical aspects of their relationship that did not overwhelm him. For her part, Maggie was ready for a marathon suck-and-stroke session upstairs. Yet she accepted his needs for now and made herself good with the decision to see to his needs as best she could.r"












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